Renew Medical Clinics

Suboxone Program

Suboxone maintenance treatment has been used for several decades to bring life back to those suffering from addiction to opioids such as heroin, oxycontin, hydromorphone, fentanyl, morphine, opium, etc.   Suboxone is generally is a long-term treatment approach for individuals with opioid use disorder. It involves the regular, supervised administration of suboxone , a long-acting opioid agonist, to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid dependence. Unlike short-acting opioids like fentanyl, suboxone provides a stable level of medication in the bloodstream, preventing the highs and lows of opioid use and helping patients regain stability in their lives.

Suboxone programs allow individuals to manage their addiction by reducing illicit opioid use, lowering the risk of overdose, and improving overall quality of life. It also enables patients to focus on other aspects of recovery, such as mental health care, employment, and rebuilding relationships. suboxone is taken orally, usually once daily, under the supervision of a healthcare provider to ensure compliance and minimize misuse. The goal of the suboxone program is to stabilize the patient’s condition and, over time, potentially taper off suboxone, though many patients may remain on maintenance for an extended period to prevent relapse.

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    What is Suboxone maintenance treatment program?

    Suboxone (or by its generic name, buprenorphine) treatment is a widely used form of treatment for people who are dependent on opioids.

    Suboxone is a long-acting synthetic opioid agonist, which is prescribed as a treatment for opioid dependence/addiction. People who are dependent on opioids may be dependent on either oral or injectable forms of opioids. Some individuals may also snort or smoke opioids.

    Suboxone is often employed in a comprehensive program. There is no universal definition of what a suboxone maintenance treatment “program” is–although the common thread is clearly the use of suboxone. Program components and policies vary widely around the world, and within Canada. A comprehensive approach to suboxone maintenance treatment, however, generally includes a number of key components–which can be delivered in a variety of ways and at varying levels of intensity–including:

    • suboxone dose;
    • medical care;
    • other substance use treatment;
    • counselling and support;
    • mental health services;
    • health promotion, disease prevention and education;
    • linkages with other community-based supports and services; and
    • outreach and advocacy.

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      Isn’t Detox Better Than Suboxone?

      Detoxification from opioids focuses on managing withdrawal symptoms as a person abruptly stops using opioids. While often seen as the first step in addressing opioid addiction, detox alone is generally ineffective, with over 90% of patients relapsing. This high failure rate is because detox only addresses physical withdrawal symptoms, ignoring the mental and emotional aspects of addiction, such as dependence on opioids for mood regulation. Detox may work for a minority of patients who have a purely physical dependence, such as those using opioids for pain relief without seeking euphoria or stress relief. However, for most opioid-addicted individuals, a maintenance program involving methadone or Suboxone offers better long-term stability, allowing the brain to adapt to a new chemical balance before potentially tapering off the medication.

      As discussed, “opioid-addicted” patients (those with any history of seeking mood alteration from the opioids) are usually not good candidates for a detox program.  If chosen by the patient to enter the maintenance program, he or she can be stabilized on an appropriate dose of suboxone or Suboxone.  While on a stable dose, the patient then can go back to fixing the tolls that addiction took on their lives.  A stable dose in maintenance allows the patient to feel just normal, alert and functional without feeling any of the highs and lows that come with the abuse of the short-acting opioids such as oxycodone (OxyContin or Percocet), fentanyl, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), heroin, morphine, codeine, etc.  This stability also allows the patient’s brain to slowly adapt to a new chemical balance.  Once a patient has been stable in this way, and avoided all abused drugs for a considerable duration, then an attempt could possibly be made in tapering the dose of suboxone very slowly while carefully monitoring for signs of relapse.  To lower the chance of relapse, the process should take at least one year from the last date of problematic drug use, but could take much longer for many opioid-addicted patients. 

      Who is the Suboxone program for?

      If you’ve been using opioid drugs such as heroin, OxyContin, codeine, Dilaudid, Percocet and others, and you’ve come to a point where you know you can’t go on using, but you can’t seem to stop either, suboxone maintenance treatment may be right for you. A physician consultation and examination is required who is a candidate for this program. Suboxone programs are generally useful for those over 18 who meet a diagnosis of opioid use disorder based on the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

      Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in the DSM-5 is diagnosed when an individual exhibits at least two of the following within a 12-month period: taking opioids in larger amounts or over a longer time than intended; unsuccessful attempts to reduce use; spending excessive time obtaining, using, or recovering from opioids; experiencing cravings; failing to fulfill major obligations due to use; continuing use despite social or interpersonal problems; giving up important activities; using opioids in hazardous situations; continuing use despite physical or psychological harm; developing tolerance; and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

      How long is a Suboxone program?

      This is a very common question. Even after several decades of international experience with suboxone, there is still no one answer to this question. The best possible answer is that most people who are successful coming off suboxone show three important characteristics:

      1- Their lives have been stabilized after they’ve been on suboxone maintenance treatment for more than a year.

      2- The decision to stop taking suboxone is made with their doctor, who gradually decreases the dose while providing support.

      3-They’ve made changes in their lives that show they’re stable. For example, they may have a stable family life, support from the non-drug-using community, steady satisfying employment and fewer financial or legal difficulties.

      What is the Goal of the Suboxone program?

      Suboxone maintenance is a long-term treatment for addiction to opioids. Once a patient is stabilized on a stable dose of Suboxone, the negative thoughts, associated with addiction, often diminish and go away. The patient’s life tends to normalize and functioning increases, which can include caring for their families, working, achieving educational goals, addressing both mental and physical health co-occurring disorders and enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle. Achieving a healthier, normal life through suboxone maintenance is a valid form of recovery from opioid addiction. Improvement in all areas of health and social integration increase with the length of time in treatment. The greatest positive change comes in the first year of treatment.

      Isn’t Detox Better Than Suboxone?

      Similar to the medicines prescribed for diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, or other chronic medical problems, Suboxone is not a magic treatment. No single medication or behavioral intervention can be a magic bullet for all patients seeking help for opioid addiction and the medical, psychiatric or social problems which may co-exist with it. Suboxone maintenance treatment has proven to be the most effective way to treat opioid addiction. Research shows that life expectancy, health and vocational and educational achievement are much improved while substance abuse and criminal activity are greatly reduced for patients in Suboxone programs. Proper use of medication eliminates withdrawal symptoms and the craving for heroin, oxycodone, hydromorphone or other opioids and the structure and counseling required and offered provides an opportunity for patients to address problems and issues related to their addiction.

      How is Suboxone Taken?

      Starting Suboxone typically involves consulting with a healthcare provider who can prescribe it. The process usually begins after a period of abstinence from opioids, typically 12-24 hours, to avoid precipitated withdrawal. Your provider will guide you through this induction phase, starting with a low dose, and gradually adjusting it based on your response. It’s important to follow your physician’s instructions closely, attend follow-up appointments, and consider counseling or support groups as part of your treatment plan.

      The prescription for suboxone must be renewed periodically by your doctor. He or she will determine how often you come for appointments, depending on your needs and progress. suboxone is a medication that is taken sublingually. When you first start on suboxone, you will be asked to go to your pharmacy each day to take the medication. As you progress in your treatment, you may be eligible to take home some doses. These are called “carries.” Your carries must be stored safely to make sure the medication is not taken by anyone else, especially a child. Carries should be refrigerated.

      Is Suboxone a Cure?

      It depends on how one defines cure. suboxone is a medication that will control your addiction, so you can get back to normal functioning in life. If one defines cure as absolute abstinence from all opioids, there is no medication or technique that has been shown to achieve that. However if one defines cure as getting back to normal functioning, work and family life, then suboxone maintenance can be viewed as an effective cure since it has been shown more than any other medication or method to achieve these goals.

      How do I get off Suboxone?

      Suboxone is voluntary, so you can stop it at any time. However, studies have shown to successfully stop suboxone without a very high chance of relapse to abusing other opioids, one has to be in the program at least 1 year (preferably 2) from the last use of illicit hard drugs. A successful taper of suboxone can be tried very gradually over a 3-6 month period, while carefully monitoring for signs of relapse to illicit drug use.


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